The Death of a Giraffe

Guelman and Unbekannt Gallery present: The first-ever art exhibition by Dmitry Krymov + AI

Assistant: Peter Voznesensky

Dmitry Krymov:

“Many years ago in Moscow, I staged a play called "The Death of a Giraffe," a melancholic and humorous fantasy consisting of seven or nine monologues from relatives and colleagues of a deceased Giraffe—but whether it is a human, a circus artist—or indeed, a giraffe—is unclear. The melancholy of the survivors was evident, as they attempted to express themselves in their monologues and thereby alleviate their pain. The play was truly both sad and funny.

Now, we have all lost something very big, important, and beloved—our big Giraffe, our country. It no longer exists. And here we all are, humans, beasts, and birds, as well as the silent fish dwelling in the water and those unseen by the eye. We stand before this memory, frozen in a kind of stupor, and we are silent.

Someone is saying something, of course, but overall, it is a silence. Such a loud silence. Even a scream.

This silent scream is what this exhibition is dedicated to.”

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“The Death of a Giraffe" is not just an art exhibition, it's a statement about the resilience of creative expression in the face of adversity. It extends Krymov's renowned stage production, offering an immersive experience that defies conventional art norms.

Guelman and Unbekannt Gallery

December 5—12, 2023

Berlin, Germany

Catch the final shows in NYC!